Grooming services
Muddy Paws tries always to tailor our grooming services to meet you and your dog's needs. We have a standard full groom which suits most, but offer a variety of options to customize to what you want. Please note that because the services needed by each individual dog can vary tremendously based on the dog's breed and size, owner's desires, the complexity of the desired cut, the dog's coat condition, and its behavior, prices do vary. Provided below are minimum prices. We always work hard to understand your desires and know what your dog will likely need before we start a groom. We will provide an estimate based on our consultation with you before the groom, and we will do our best to advise you of potential additional charges so nothing is a surprise but the great way your dog looks when we're done!
Standard Full Groom
Includes the following: Ears cleaned, toenails trimmed, shampoo, conditioner, hand fluff dry, trim of the foot pads and around feet as well as sanitary area (your animals "private parts" area), complete brush out and standard breed trim. The cost of this service varies with the size and breed of dog and the ease or complexity of trim in which you prefer to keep your dog. $65 and up for small/toy breeds, $70 and up for mid-sized breeds, $80 and up for large/giant breeds. Please call for a free consultation about your dog(s).
Custom groom options

Bathe and Brush only
Just the basic bath, condition, hand fluff dry and brush-out. $40 for small/toy breeds, $45 for medium-sized breeds, $50 for large breeds, $55-60 for giant breeds. This is a great option for short-haired breeds who don't need a full groom with clipping. And it's super for in-between full grooms of longer-coated, clipped breeds to maintain a healthy, tangle-free coat and make full grooms easier on them. Note excessive dirt or matting, etc., may incur extra charges.

This service goes beyond a brushing and gets deep into removing as much excess coat as possible when your dog is in the midst of shedding so more of that hair is in our vacuum and not on your floors! This can be added to a bathe and brush or to a full groom for an additional $10-$25 depending on size and coat type.

Anal Gland Evacuation
Not all dogs need to have this done. But when necessary, we can express that smelly stuff safely so your dog doesn't express his/her glands in your home. $10.

Toenail Grinding
This service uses a Dremel-like tool to grind rather than just clip the toenails, leaving a smoother nail. Grinding is sometimes better tolerated than clipping in some dogs. $20.

Toenail Painting
Yes, some like a little fun color! We have quick-dry, dog-safe products to give a little color splash for your dog. $20

Teeth Brushing
Using safe, dog-friendly products to help clean your dog's teeth - an important part of a dog's hygiene and health just like ours! $10. Note this service is not effective unless performed at least a couple of times a week, so we do have doggie tooth-brushing kits available for sale so that you can keep your dog's teeth clean in between grooms.

Flea/Tick Treatment
Muddy Paws works hard to ensure nothing other than a clean, well groomed dog leaves the truck after each visit. That means we do everything possible to ensure no pests are passed from one dog to another. That's really important to us, because we believe it's very important to you. Recent experiences with certain topical flea treatments and preventatives have shown that they appear not to be working as well as they once did before becoming widely available outside of your veterinary office. So we have decided not to provide flea baths and treatments, as we feel this issue is best handled with your veterinarian, discussing the best available products now on the market that will work for you. If you think your dog has fleas and you want to schedule a groom for him or her, please advise Muddy Paws of the issue when scheduling your appointment so we can give you the best recommendations on handling these hard-to-get-rid-of pests and avoid having to charge you significant additional fees ($75+) above and beyond your grooming fee for the time and expense of shutting down for the rest of the day and de-fleaing the groom truck from an infested dog. We and all of our clients thank you for that courtesy! As for ticks, we will remove any found on your dog as safely as possible and advise you that we did so, so that you can monitor the effectiveness of any preventative you are using and keep an eye out for any symptoms of Lyme's in your dog.

Medicated Bath
For certain conditions, veterinarians may have to predscribe medicated shampoos that must be applied frequently and be left on for a certain amount of time to be effective. This can be a burden to fit into a busy schedule. Let Muddy Paws help. We can follow doctor's orders for you and help ensure your pet gets well. Price dependent on prescribed frequency and time needed. Please call to discuss.

Skunk Odor Removal
Seems like all dogs get skunked at least once in their lives. We have excellent products to work on that awful smell and get your dog to the point of being welcome in your home again! $50-60 for small dogs, $60-70 for medium dogs, $70-85 for large/giant dogs. This is greater than a regular bath and dry because it typically involves multiple baths to knock that skunk scent down and extra time is involved in cleaning the scent from the salon, too.

De-matting is sometimes necessary when a dog's coat is so completely and badly matted that it has become impossible to cut, split and brush out all of the mats without, well, pretty much torturing the dog. Mats form when old undercoat that should have shed or been brushed out gets tightly tangled with new coat growing out and the outer guard hairs. De-matting, often called a shave-down, is no simple task, as the mats are so tight to the skin that the blade needed to get under all of the mats leaves very little coat and shaves so close that there is risk of clipper burn, cut skin tags or moles, etc. Plus other skin issues may have festered under the mats to cause sensitive, chafed or even infected skin. This is time-consuming and can cause extreme discomfort to the dog. Cost is impossible to estimate until we have an opportunity to look over your dog and attempt the task. Please call and let us take a look so we can make the best recommendation to help.*If the matting is severe enough that we feel we cannot accomplish a shave-down without harm to your dog, we will not attempt it and will recommend having a veterinarian perform the de-matting.This is part of why we exist and encourage everyone to have their dog on a routine grooming schedule so that grooming simply maintains a healthy coat and skin, and the dog never gets to the point of being in such discomfort or being put through a shave-down!
Convenient, affordable and no hassle. Kim comes to the house, baths, clips and grooms my dog.. I wish everything in life was this easy!
Loving and amazing with our pet. Expert work!
Maggie, Fairfield, PA

All of our services and products are taxable. The 6% PA Sales Tax is added to the invoice total at the end of the grooming service.
Please note a minimum charge of $75 will be added to any groom of a dog with flea infestation. We have significant down time when this happens because we have to shut down for the rest of that day to ensure the groom truck, towels, etc., are de-flea'd.